March 14, 2007
Gear is Good

Kate calls me a gear head, but I tend to argue otherwise. I mean, its not like I'm buying a new road bike with my REI dividend. Not that I don't want a new road bike - because I really do... a little aluminum composite number in red outfitted to the 9's with Dura Ace components. I'd even settle for some Race Face cranks and Time clipless pedals
Dreaming of new road bikes is something that I have done since I was in 8th grade. The goal way back then was to earn money from my weekly paper route to buy a TREK 300. Every Wednesday, I would deliver 132 papers. It took me four hours. I earned five dollars each week - big money in 1984. So, it seems only fitting that I am dreaming of road bikes once again as I am back in the far away and exotic land called Wisconsin and my hometown of Cedarburg.
While I do not consider this my home anymore, I will always be from Wisconsin. Yes, loyal reader, this great midwestern land is where each resident gets a block of cheddar cheese with their state tax return (to either eat or wear on your head). Here, we watch Packer games everyday in school, eat bratwursts for breakfast and use the word 'bubbler'.
Visiting with my parents and hanging out with old friends is always a treat. However, this time, I've also had a chance to let my mail catch up with me. Which means receiving a few choice packages from MSR and Stanley.
Which brings me back to Kate and her ability to not mince words. "You're a gear head." was, I believe, how she eloquently phrased it. At the time, I was trying to explain to her some testing I wanted to do on several MSR stoves. The differences between weight, fuel efficiency and functionality could be the difference between life and death on an expedition. To follow the logic through to the end, that means quite literally that my life hinges on the specific gear I use.
But Kate (and the rest of you, too), its not like I peruse the Timberland, MSR, Stanley, Granite Gear, Rudy Project and Atwater Carey web sites daily. OK maybe I do. First of all, the stuff is so cool. I mean have you seen some of the amazing technology that is out there now? With better equipment, comes the ability to travel faster, longer and farther.
And who doesn't want to spend more nights in a tent? I know one of my goals has always been to live in a tent.
Seriously though, acquiring and testing all this gear prior to my upcoming Save the Poles expedition is a good thing. In another year, I will be way too busy arranging logistics, fundraising and more to do all this testing. No, the time is definitely now. Carpe diem gear heads. Besides, even explorers like to play explorer every once in a while.
Dreaming of new road bikes is something that I have done since I was in 8th grade. The goal way back then was to earn money from my weekly paper route to buy a TREK 300. Every Wednesday, I would deliver 132 papers. It took me four hours. I earned five dollars each week - big money in 1984. So, it seems only fitting that I am dreaming of road bikes once again as I am back in the far away and exotic land called Wisconsin and my hometown of Cedarburg.
While I do not consider this my home anymore, I will always be from Wisconsin. Yes, loyal reader, this great midwestern land is where each resident gets a block of cheddar cheese with their state tax return (to either eat or wear on your head). Here, we watch Packer games everyday in school, eat bratwursts for breakfast and use the word 'bubbler'.
Visiting with my parents and hanging out with old friends is always a treat. However, this time, I've also had a chance to let my mail catch up with me. Which means receiving a few choice packages from MSR and Stanley.
Which brings me back to Kate and her ability to not mince words. "You're a gear head." was, I believe, how she eloquently phrased it. At the time, I was trying to explain to her some testing I wanted to do on several MSR stoves. The differences between weight, fuel efficiency and functionality could be the difference between life and death on an expedition. To follow the logic through to the end, that means quite literally that my life hinges on the specific gear I use.
But Kate (and the rest of you, too), its not like I peruse the Timberland, MSR, Stanley, Granite Gear, Rudy Project and Atwater Carey web sites daily. OK maybe I do. First of all, the stuff is so cool. I mean have you seen some of the amazing technology that is out there now? With better equipment, comes the ability to travel faster, longer and farther.
And who doesn't want to spend more nights in a tent? I know one of my goals has always been to live in a tent.
Seriously though, acquiring and testing all this gear prior to my upcoming Save the Poles expedition is a good thing. In another year, I will be way too busy arranging logistics, fundraising and more to do all this testing. No, the time is definitely now. Carpe diem gear heads. Besides, even explorers like to play explorer every once in a while.
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